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Should I Keep Selling?

It’s a scary time to be a business owner. 

And across the globe, many businesses are all asking themselves the same question:

Should I keep selling my services?

The answer is YES. 

It’s important for our economy that we continue to buy & sell from each other. 

Since much of the world is being asked to stay home right now, there are a lot of people suddenly spending more time online & on their phones. Social media usage is growing! 

So if you’re a social media professional: 

  • Your services are STILL needed. 

  • Your expertise is STILL valuable. 

You should continue to sell your services & expertise to those who would truly benefit! 

So I’ve outlined 5 ways that you can sell your offers (with integrity) & keep yourself in business during this uncertain time…


1 | Offer a Stripped Down Version of a Full Service 

Instead of over delivering & overwhelming yourself by offering discounts, switch up your full service offers into less comprehensive services that cover the basics -- consider what your consumer needa right now & offer that for a special rate.  

2 | Extended Payment Plans 

Consider offering a payment plan & allowing your consumer to spread their balance out over an extended period of time. 

3 | Offer Group Coaching & Consulting Packages 

If you’re used to being more hands on or working on-site for your clients, the way you deliver services has probably changed. Additionally, some of your clients may have suddenly found themselves with much more free time on their hands. Consider offering virtual coaching or consulting in groups for small business owners & teaching them how to DIY instead of doing it for them. 

4 | Create & Sell a Digital Product 

If you’ve ever considered adding in another stream of revenue, now may be the perfect time to get to work on a digital product or course for your ideal client. Passive income products can be a great way to supplement client income & help you scale your business even faster.  

5 | Offer a Charity Component with Your Services

If you can sell your service or product, AND give back to an organization you care about, it’s a win-win for everyone. Think about how you can add in a charitable contribution with your service offers.

While it’s definitely still possible for you to sell your services and products RIGHT NOW —keep in mind that your services & the way you deliver them, may need to change.


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